Friday, July 15, 2011

Big Mess-ups!

I am just sick and tired of messing up—unintentionally hurting someone, making a bad choice, being mistaken, and on and on! I hope you know what I mean. Although motivated by something positive, I too often end up accomplishing something negative.

I’m just tired of my own brokenness and wish God would just zap me and fix it! I guess that’s coming eventually but not quite as quickly as I would like! I wish it would happen in my earthly life rather than in the eternal one to come. Why can’t becoming like Jesus come more quickly and easily? Do you ever feel that way? Do you have times of regret over your words, actions, selfish heart—things done and not done?

Wouldn’t it be great to respond in Christlikeness to those who hurt us with their words or their actions? What if we could always see that it’s not about us but about Christ and his kingdom? How would it look if I really loved my enemies and those who are unloving? What if I wanted to give away my stuff when I see a need instead of selfishly hoarding what I have (unless it’s out-of-date or doesn’t fit or work)? This list could go on and on. (Fill in the places you see yourself not being like Jesus.)

I so regret something I did too hastily a couple of days ago, but it can’t be undone. I asked for forgiveness; I confessed it; I did all I could to make it up. In the end I must entrust the matter to God who knows my heart and my motivations. He can take all things and use them for good in my life and in the lives of those whom my errors touch. Every mistake brings lessons to learn and ways to develop as a person (Rom. 8:28-29). If nothing else, such situations remind me how far I have to go to be like Jesus and keep me dependent upon the Spirit to guide me each moment of each day.

It’s hard to find the balance of recognizing your sinfulness and yet going on and serving God unless we give those burdens and even our mess-ups to him. What truths about God help you overcome your big mistakes?


  1. Thanks for your heart, you are growing by leaps and bounds. I can see it, trust me. I can hear it, trust me. God is doing a work in your life that only He can do...and yes I can relate. I could'a messed up this a.m. but I kept my mouth shut and just let a tear drip. God has His way of bringing healing in times of our ignorance doesn't He?
    This is a hug from little ole' me.

  2. I can definitely relate! My relationship with God constantly reminds me to show servant love to others, letting go of my selfishness. Nevertheless, self-rightousness rears its ugly head so easily. Thankfully, the servant love I try to practice toward others extends to apologies. It is easier to make an appropriate apology and heal the relationship when it is approached with an attitude of servant love.

  3. Great insight, Tia! I so appreciate your sharing that. It adds greatly to the post.

  4. Thanks for being real with us Kay - one of the things we all like best about you, but as I commented on facebook, God is big enough to use your messing up to work out His will. Now if there were just some way for us to avoid the mess up in the first place so God wouldn't be given the challenge. Love you!

  5. If you find a way to do that, please let me in on the secret:)
