Saturday, November 20, 2010

Surprised by God & Eggnog Latte

I look forward to the season all year long—the time of the eggnog latte! I don’t particularly like eggnog alone but paired with coffee it makes a delicious combination. This morning I woke up and found one left by my husband for me to enjoy. A great surprise treat!

There are days when God brings great surprises into my life as well, things never requested or anticipated. When such blessings come out of the blue, I am overcome by His goodness and delighted by His overwhelming love. However, there are times when the positives come through trials as God combines them to achieve His purposes and His best for me. In those cases, I don’t always identify the good immediately; that often takes the perspective of time. However, sometimes I can sense the direction of God’s sovereign redeeming hand when the hardship first breaks into my life.

Recently, I have faced some difficult circumstances, as we all do.
Despite my feelings about the situation itself, I sense that God is at work to answer some long-time prayers, and that is very exciting. I am so blessed that He would redeem something hard. But that is His promise: “And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” Rom. 8:28-29 (NET). These words comfort me in this trying situation, calling me to trust God and His sovereign purposes. Even if my great hopes for this time of testing never materialize, I can still know that God has been at work to change me. I can trust in a loving God who works life’s difficulties for my good and His glory.

Do you have other verses that help you trust God in trials? Maybe you have a story to share of how God redeemed your hurts or hardships.  We would love to hear it.


  1. Kay,
    Thanks for sharing...and I too love this season of Red Cups, though this year it's been such a hard season as well! The Lord has sustained me in reminding me constantly that nothing is wasted and it's all for His glory!
    That has been my constant encouragement and hope during this time.
    He will never leave us...He is close to us in times of trial and hurt...He loves us...He has great plans for us...and He works all things together for our good!
    Love you Kay and look forward to getting a Red Cup with you soon!

  2. I appreciate your sharing how God has sustained you in a time of grief. I will look forward to our red cups together as well!
