Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Living on the Edge

I remember my first trip to Colorado at the age of seven. As an inhabitant of the flat Texas coast, I found it both exciting and scary to ascend Pike’s Peak. I could hardly bear to look out the window when we veered next to the precipice, fearing our car would slip on the curves. However, avoiding the danger would have meant missing the grand view of the Rockies and the valleys below. Despite my terror of heights, I would choose to travel that road again any day to once again observe God’s majestic creation!

God has challenged me to consider whether I value my safety over his will. Am I too fearful and controlling to risk the dangers of walking with God when he takes me to the edge? Are you?

Instead of living next to the cliff where faith meets life, I often choose the known way, the familiar road that leads me safely away from danger. I want to control what happens, but God’s plan is to lead me where it’s risky so that I trust in him instead of myself. Too often I choose to please my audience (maybe you) rather than God, or I fail to speak up in love when I disagree with the conversation around me. I do ministry as I have always done it because it’s comfortable.

Where are you are hanging back from the edge because it’s too risky? Are you afraid of what your friends will say if you give everything to God, if you believe that following him is the greatest adventure, if you seem extreme in your devotion, if you give away your excess, if you leave your home to serve others, if you stay pure sexually except in marriage, if your job is secondary, if you extend grace to the undeserving, or if your political views don’t match any party because they are rooted in the gospel?

Join me in pursuing the awesome presence of God that dwells beside the precipice, and encourage us by sharing how you have seen God’s majesty where it’s risky.


  1. When I sent Bill off to be an interpreter in Iraq, I turned him over to God and I REALLY turned Him over. I wasn't all pie in the sky, living in denial about the dangers Bill was facing. God had let me know that His will might be for my husband to come home in a wheelchair or a coffin, but He also let me know that Bill had been created "for such a time as this." Well, Bill served his year and came home with all his fingers and toes - and that was gracious of our LORD, but in His majestic way, God had done even more. Bill and I had been having a very difficult time in our marriage before he left for Iraq. During the year we were apart, God revealed to both Bill and I how much we loved each other, as well as the ways each of us had contributed to the deterioration of our marriage. God not only protected Bill from harm, he completely revitalized our marriage, a bonus neither of us had anticipated. Bill's time in Iraq was a risky time and our separation during a difficult time in our marriage was risky too, but our God is an awesome God. Isn't He?

  2. Thanks for sharing your great story, Jane!I am in awe of your faith to give your husband to God so fully.

  3. Wow! That is an AWESOME story of faith. Thanks for being so transparent in sharing it with us all. It's very encouraging and won't easily be forgotten.

  4. Awesome post! I will not go into the details of what God is doing in the lives of my hubby and I, but your post is timely! We are being called to overseas mission and are both thrilled and terrified -- a wonderful place to be in Christ! Your post speaks so perfectly to where we are in our journey in obeying His call. Exciting is not always easy :) --- Thank you also to Jane for sharing her story. God IS AWESOME!!

  5. What a wonderful journey you are on! May God's presence be so real to you both as you risk following him overseas. Keep us updated!
