Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Directionless or Directed?

God doesn’t seem to be leading me anywhere right now. It has been almost two years since I left my church staff position. At that time the only direction I had was to write a book based on my curriculum designed to grow women’s influence. I spoke at women’s conferences and retreats—opportunities which God clearly provided by his sovereign hand. I am now completing the final edits on the book to self-publish it. But what is next? No doors have opened; no voice has spoken; and no sign has appeared in the skies. I don’t like being in limbo and am getting impatient with this waiting. Have you ever felt that God left you without a compass?

How do we navigate such times? What path do we take without clear direction? How do we maintain faith when God seems to have forgotten that we are available? How is God guiding when he seems so silent?

Even when God seems uncommunicative, his word still speaks. His commands direct us; his promises give us hope; and his character builds our trust. When my faith is small, I remember that God is indeed at work behind the scenes to perfect me in everything (Rom. 8:28-29), even when that everything seems like nothing. God has created me for purpose, but his primary goal for me is to be like Jesus. This period is likely more about who I am than about what I do. Maybe he has given me a stop sign instead of an arrow so that I trust in him instead of myself (Ps. 46:10).

If God is working on me right now, I need to be listening by assessing my heart against his word. Do I love what I do for God more than I love him? Can I truly accept where he has me for his purposes or must I have something larger on the calendar? Have I died to self? Honestly, I don't measure up well in those areas.

God’s word provides guidance through its commands. “Give thanks in everything” comes to mind. Living in the present with its blessings and its difficulties and thanking God for the ways he shows up every day in the little things is important when there is no major word from him. Instead of concentrating on the future, I need to refocus on today and see every relationship and situation as God’s opportunity to love and serve him and others.

Have you ever felt in limbo, waiting for God to move or lead or speak in some way? I would love to hear your proven ways to navigate such periods of life. 


  1. I once heard a pastor refer to this as The Green Room Experience. He pointed out that the way you use the time you have waiting to go on stage is very important to your performance. Soon enough you'll be sweating in the spotlight wishing for the calmness of that well-upholstered Green Room.

  2. Great illustration, Jane! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Kay-I just emailed you a couple hours ago--feeling impressed to ask you some questions about how you knew what to do. How you knew God was leading you in the direction you went. I just came across this post! It is so fitting of where I am at right now and I am thankful God showed it to me today. I would still love to here back from you.

  4. Jaime, I just answered your email and then I received an email saying you had left this comment. I am glad that God used my experience to minister to you. I know what God has called me to do, but right now he isn't directing me to any opportunities to do it. Thanks for your comment.
