Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brown Paper Gifts

I appreciate having beautifully decorated Christmas presents. However, I remember a year when my son wrapped his gifts to us in brown package paper, sealed them with duct tape, and wrote our names in marker on the outside. What was inside was great, but I didn’t want him to put the wrapped presents under the tree. (He so enjoyed upsetting traditions and his mom!)

Two thousand years ago God gave the gift of Jesus, but he too came wrapped in brown paper. The Jews expected him to come as their King dressed in royal robes, restoring the Jewish kingdom. Instead, they received a baby born in a shelter for animals, a poor itinerant preacher who died at the hands of the Roman oppressors. They missed the gift, not looking beyond its plain packaging.
Sometimes God’s best presents come wrapped in brown paper, but we often prefer those that look good—
beautiful and smart children, popularity, successful good-looking husbands, high-priced vehicles, highly paid jobs, trendy clothes, well-decorated homes, investments, and beauty. When we get less attractive wrapping instead, we may do what the Jews did so long ago—miss the very presence of Jesus and his kingdom.
This may be a Christmas when your gifts come wrapped in brown paper—health issues, grief, broken relationships, disappointments, joblessness, or loneliness. Beneath the visible hardship is the gift of Jesus to be with us in our sorrow. He wants the difficult times to draw us more closely into his arms to receive his love, his comfort, and his peace—gifts that are priceless. “Peace on earth” is discovered only in him.

May we recognize the gifts of peace, joy, and love found in Jesus this Christmas and throughout the New Year!


  1. Kay, I am a Young Life leader and have started a blog with one of my teen girls who suffers as a cutter. We were looking for something for her to reach for when she was 'craving the blade.'
    Since last January, our lives have been turned upside down by the suicide of our 24 year old son. I thank God for this blog that has seen me through writing and clinging tightly to my faith. I don't know God's plan for my blog or my writing but I will listen for his guidance.
    I have started a young adult Bible study using your Blue Jean Study. The ladies in this group are all pretty disillusioned in their early 20s, most are divorced with ex spouses in jail or prison. Thank you for the blessing of your study of James. It leads me to believe God has a purpose for me in ministries beyond teens.
    Please check out my blog if you are able and give me any advice or wisdom you feel would help me know where to go from here.
    Thanks for all the lives you touch with your faith,
    Barbara Barber
    505 670-1174

  2. Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with us. I will gladly look at your blog, but don't feel that I am an expert--simply sharing what is on my own heart, believing maybe it will touch someone else where they have need. I pray for your ministry and your healing. Blessings, Kay
