Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering 9/11

We all know exactly where we were when we first heard or saw the pictures of the smoking Twin Towers on September 11. I was about to head to work at the church when my husband called me and told me to turn on the television. I sat there in stunned silence barely comprehending what had happened; it seemed so surreal.

Several weeks later we flew to New England to see the beauty of the fall leaves. Everywhere we went, American flags were flying—on porches, barns, shops, restaurants, and fences. America was united by the threat of those who seek to destroy our people, our land, our faith, and our freedoms.

During my lifetime, I never recall another point when America sought God as we did then. The tragedy resulted in higher numbers of people in church and in prayer. When life is clearly out of our control—whether from sickness or disaster or war—we realize how much we depend upon God, our only hope for peace and protection and comfort.

What are my takeaways on the 10th anniversary?

We know that the date will be marked by fittingly honoring those who died from the evil acts of other people. My hope is that we also recognize our dependence on God instead of our own strength and to unite for what is best for our country and quit this partisanship over every issue which accomplishes little.

I hope that the church will pray for those who are our enemies, just as Jesus taught. They are caught up in lies and beliefs that lead to evil deeds. I pray their eyes are open to the love and grace of God in Christ. I look forward to the day when Jesus returns and ends the evil of this world, instituting a perfect kingdom of love and righteousness.

May we individually turn to God in prayer and worship once again. 

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