Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers

You were likely as appalled as I am with the thought of an air traffic controller sleeping on the job. How scary to realize that there was no guidance for pilots attempting to land at Reagan National Airport in DC! Two commercial jets apparently landed without guidance after numerous attempts to contact the control tower were unsuccessful.

I saw a news report Thursday evening about a new generation of air traffic controllers in training to replace the aging group now in place. My first reaction was that I wouldn’t ever want their jobs because of the heavy responsibility involved.

God’s Spirit immediately impressed me with the reminder that our responsibility as Christians is even more critical. We alone have the good news of Jesus, the way to life. If we aren’t pointing the way, what happens to those trying to find a safe place to land?

Why are you and I often asleep on duty?

Instead of being about God’s business, it’s easy to get tangled up in our own lives and problems that we forget the people around us. If we need sleep, shouldn’t we be able to take a snooze? Surely there are missionaries and ministers on alert! Do we hear so many cries for help from mission agencies and disaster victims that we get immune to their voices? Instead of reaching out to the least of these, do we insulate ourselves from the problems of others because it’s too hard? I admit that I am guilty on all counts.

Let’s take Jesus’ last words seriously: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20).

I am on duty; I am responsible for the lives of others; I can’t fall asleep!
What can we do to stay awake?


  1. That is a good point. Thank you for making me think.

  2. Well, it made me think also:) Thanks for your comment.
