Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Savoring the Moment

What a wonderful trip our entire family took this month! Although we saw great sights and enjoyed good food, the highlight was being with those I love most. Perhaps revisiting some places I had seen previously made it easier to live in the moment, or maybe realizing that such opportunities are rare gave me a sense of the present. Whatever it was, time seemed to stand still as we sat outside at Parisian cafes, walked on the beaches of Normandy, or enjoyed Belgium waffles together.

Why is it so hard to savor the moment? Why do I fail to drink in time with people and with God? In my busyness I’ve been guilty of seeing people as an intrusion rather than God’s appointment. At my worst, I have rushed time with God to get on with the real work of the day. Who am I kidding? How can I lead others to God’s still waters when my waters are churned up by busyness and worry?

So why was this experience different?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Beyond Blogs and Websites

Why is the “different” and the “new” so uncomfortable? I have been reluctant to embrace blogs and websites for myself; after all, that would entail a big learning curve! My primary ministry has always been in person—teaching, training, and leading. Why push myself to a level of discomfort?

Because God wants me to transform and grow! Recently, he has led me from a church staff into the unknown. I keep picturing myself walking into a strange land following God step-by-step, much as Abraham did. This is quite a stretch for me; my family accuses me of being a map addict because I prefer knowing not only my destination but also exactly how to get there in advance. This journey to somewhere unnamed and unknown without a plan is disconcerting and scary!

Initially, I simply felt that God wanted me to provide my leadership material for the benefit of a larger group.