Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stormy Days

Yesterday storms raced across the skies of North Texas, bringing damage to buildings in various places. Often I soak in such days, sensing the nearness of God in the power and majesty of the tempest. However, day after day of clouds makes me long for the warmth and peace that comes from the sun.

What are we to do when we encounter the storms of life?
We must look for the power of God, seeking His strength and His presence. It is a time to slow down and sense what He is doing in the midst of possible damage and destruction. And yes, we do long for the sun to peek through the clouds and bring hope and healing to our lives again. The Light is always there even when the tempest clouds His beauty. Faith looks past the storm to Jesus.

When the psalmist’s life was clouded by storms of bitterness and jealousy in his own heart, he says, “But I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me by your wise advice, and then you will lead me to a position of honor. Whom do I have in heaven but you? I desire no one but you on earth. . . But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the sovereign LORD my shelter. . . .” (Ps. 73:23-26, 28, NET).

Storms often arrive on the heels of days of calm beauty. Although a tempest may be brewing, we are often unaware or deliberately inattentive to its growth; in fact, we may be generating it out of our poor choices. When it hits, we are unprepared to stop its destruction in our homes and our hearts. We need God’s word, His power, His presence, and His counsel to make it through the storm. He must be our shelter.

I don’t know what storms are brewing or have come full force into your life. What I do know is that the storms in my life are hard to bear, and yet, I take hope in the fact that the sun is shining beyond the clouds, unseen but there to guide me past the dangers of the tempest.

How have you experienced this in your own life? 


  1. Kay your wisdom and ability to put the words to touch others so appropriately is such a gift! Thank you for using your wisdom and gift to bless, share and teach others.

  2. love this, Kay... I've definitely had a lot of storms this year, but God has been so very present and I have felt Him in the midst of it all... love your posts!

  3. Thank you both for your encouragement. And Elizabeth, I know just how that feels.

  4. Just found you and your blog, and I know that the Lord sent me here!!!! Storms are raging, but I will hold on to these verses in this Psalm and pass them on to others going through it. Thanks so very much!!!!

  5. Cora, may you hold on tightly to our great God!

  6. Grateful for your thought-provoking posts! As with last Friday's storms which brought a change in weather (it's much cooler in Big-D this week), several storms in my life have resulted in (unanticipated) changes. I'm not particularly fond of change, but I know the One who never changes, and He is trustworthy. Thank you for pointing us to Him!

  7. What a great reminder, eeb! Remembering that God never changes is such a valued truth. Thank you for your encouragement.
